Thursday, February 18, 2010

9:15 AM

9.75cm dilated! hoping to start pushing by 10!


Lisa said...

really...9 and 3/4...they couldn't just give you the extra 1/4!! Exciting!!!!

Kathy said...

I love the live updates!!!!! I'm on the edge of my seat!! GOoooo Laura!

Jill said...

Wow! Laura, you're doing awesome! I'm so excited!!


The next post had better be photos of you guys with Luke. I don't want to see a 10 cm and pushing post. Seriously. Baby, please. We are eager to see your bundle of boy!!!

Anonymous said...

You're a trooper Laura...almost there!! And in my medical opinion, there is no 9.75cm...they don't have a ruler!! Too funny...

Good luck!

Janean said...

the suspense is killing me!!